Rasa Revelations
It all started with "The Weekly Word"
LIVE, LEARN, and LEAD. To us, it’s about giving back.
Late in 2017, I felt a disconnect with all of the people Debbie and I lead. I pondered for some time about ways I could connect with our teams spread across the southwest part of the country. How could we share with them how much we care and desire to help? Finally, it came to me. Why not create some short 3-5 minute video messages that contain hope and inspiration to Live - stories and lessons to Learn, and insights and meaningful skills on how to Lead? Wanting to weave in how FAITH changed our lives, our thinking, and our focus, we decided to center the messages on how God has blessed us and wants to bless you, too – even if you don’t believe it! I decided to name the weekly videos "The Weekly Word with Michael Rasa," and the seed for Rasa Revelations was planted. I look forward to sharing these messages with YOU!

Michael, Brad, Mel, Debbie, Karen and Paul Rasa
The Weekly Word
January 1st, 2018
January 2nd, 2019
August 26th, 2019
The Team
Team Members
Years of Living, Learning, & Leading
The Team
Best chef in our school
Share Your Experience
Connect with the team to ask a question, share a story, or share what you've learned. We would love to hear from you.